Download PDF , by Claus Kühnel

Download PDF , by Claus Kühnel

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, by Claus Kühnel

, by Claus Kühnel

, by Claus Kühnel

Download PDF , by Claus Kühnel

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, by Claus Kühnel

Product details

File Size: 4947 KB

Print Length: 170 pages

Page Numbers Source ISBN: 3907857305

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: Skript Verlag Kühnel (November 24, 2015)

Publication Date: November 24, 2015

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#681,412 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

I've been very curious about the ESP8266, and I started looking at it over Thanksgiving week. I scoured the internet for information on getting started, but the content is all over the place in bits and pieces and in some cases out-of-date. I took a gamble on this book, and it was exactly what I needed to get started with EsP8266, nodemcu, and lua with a minimal amount of fuss. The explanations were thorough enough, and the example code helps you be productive faster. If you are getting started with ESP8266, I would strongly recommend this book.

This book is an excellent introduction to using the ESP8266 family of SOC boards for home automation. From flashing the firmware to hardware connections, with several excellent and detailed examples of hardware and software (using the Lua NodeMCU platform). While, with a lot of effort and Mr. Google, you could probably find most of the information presented here, this is an excellent compilation and reference for those of us just getting started with the ESP platform.The author has several other books that look interesting; sadly, most are in his native language of German. I look forward to his next book on home automation.

It is a good starting guide to the usage of the NodeMCU units, which use the popular ESP8266 microcontroller. It focuses on programming the units using the Lua scripting language, which I found to be unstable in comparison to programming these devices using the ArduinoIDE environment. The books contains a few simple tutorials, which show the reader how to use digital inputs, blink the two built-in LEDs, control relays and other simple sensors and actuators. Simmilar things, which are described in an introductory book for the Arduno. The book gives links to additional sources and tools, which might come in handy (like the site, which enables user to build modular firmware). A good "schnellkurs" into programming NodeMCU units.

Didn't really like the book. It seems to jump around from topic-to-topic without any cohesiveness. Hard to follow.

A good starter book.

I found it informative and it helped with my project.

excellent. I like it.Thank you,and handing is very good

Most of what's in the book can be found on the internet. It's basically a review of Iot components and specifications. I was looking for more Lua coding examples in the area of home security and automation.

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