Free Download Mindfulness for Beginners

Free Download Mindfulness for Beginners

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Mindfulness for Beginners

Mindfulness for Beginners

Mindfulness for Beginners

Free Download Mindfulness for Beginners

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Mindfulness for Beginners

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Audible Audiobook

Listening Length: 2 hours and 24 minutes

Program Type: Audiobook

Version: Original recording

Publisher: Sounds True Release Date: June 15, 2006

Language: English, English


Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

Jon Kabat-Zinn is one of the best mindfulness teachers in the US. In looking over the reviews of Mindfulness for Beginners, I was surprised to see that more than a few readers thought this book was a kind of scam, something like a cut-and-paste of his earlier books. But the difference maker for this book is right there on the cover. It's for beginners. I've been teaching mindfulness for ten years, often to beginners. This book is one of the best, if not the best, I've found for beginners to work with. Of course, if you're new to mindful meditation, you need to read it thoughtfully, page by page, absorbing his descriptions, explanations and examples, often going back to be reminded of bits you've forgotten--or are suddenly understanding. And of course, like all of us, you have have to practice. A lot. There's no other way to learn and experience for yourself how helpful, how potentially life changing mindful meditation can be.The only caution I might offer is that Kabat-Zinn is and always has been somewhat professorial. He's a very smart guy with a considerable vocabulary. That said, as always, don't believe everything you read, especially in book reviews!

This set of CDs is a great introduction to mindfulness narrated by Jon-Kabat-Zinn who pioneered the use of it within a structured program for use in health services. The multidisciplinary approach used by the program which combines mindfulness and yoga has been replicated in many places. Kabat-Zinn's low key explanations are helpful and often soar with inspiration.In the introduction to his paper book with the same title he describes the first CD as having grown out of a series of lectures that he had given that in his words, "...described the practice of mindfulness and explained why it might be valuable to engage in its cultivation to begin with." There are ten tracks totaling about an hour of recording. Please note that it is not a recorded version of the paper book with the same title. It is an excellent alternative for folks who might not have the time or inclination to sit down and read but who might have the time to listen while doing something like driving.The second CD has 5 guided meditations, each ranging from 10 to 18 minutes long. His gentle, knowledgeable directions are terrific signposts leading into a daily practice. I think it would be helpful to beginners as well as to seasoned practitioners.The paper book of the same title is a very helpful companion guide. It is written in very short chapters, most are two to three pages, that could be read before or after a meditation as a short reflection. The 166 page book can lead one much deeper into the practice and can serve as a steadying hand as the entrant navigates their way into finding a space for mindfulness in often demanding schedules.I'd recommend it to anyone interested in mindfulness.

If you have come across this area of focus, and you are ready for it, there is no better introduction to the concept of mindfulness than this book. As someone who's sought a solution to the general feeling of inauthenticity in life, this really explained to me -- in clear, sensible and non "touchy-freely" terms -- what the meaning of mindfulness is, why it is important, how to understand and practice it, and its value for a happier existence. I paged through numerous self-help books from the Shambalas of the world, and if that's your interest and passion, those are fine, but too much spirituality for me. I was looking for pragmatic insight into anxiety and stress reduction, and Kabat-Zinn's work is straightforward and practical. The book started me off but more helpful were his introductory CDs with mindfulness exercises. Really helped me a lot.

In the introduction to Mindfulness for Beginners (p.4) Jon Kabat-Zinn tells us he has covered material on mindfulness in greater detail in other books such as Full Catastrophe Living. But as anyone who has read FCL knows, that's a big thick book which was published enough years ago that a fair bit of it had to focus on justifying meditation and mindfulness as a worthwhile endeavor. In Mindfulness for Beginners, JKZ assumes you know the value of bringing greater awareness into your life, allowing him to focus on inspiration and instructions.The book is not presented like a conventional "Intro to Meditation" with a first you do step A and then B. Rather, there are many short entries, that introduce one to mindfulness in a gradual way with the understanding you will use the enclosed guided meditation CD. While initially slightly disoriented by this, when you think about it, this is a more real-life way to learn mindfulness techniques as life doesn't usually work in a Step A-Step B way--especially for something as encompassing as greater awareness (JKZ wisely emphasizes the importance of not restricting increased awareness to the meditation bench or cushion).The greatest strength of the book is Jon Kabat-Zinn himself. I once had the great pleasure to talk to him one-on-one. Within a very short time he made me feel very comfortable and as though he had all the time in the world for me. Despite his renown as a meditation teacher and author, he was very down-to-earth. There was nothing of the aloof meditation teacher about him. That warm and realness comes through in this book. He never puts ideology ahead of effectiveness. This is why he is such a great teacher. Almost all of us can benefit from what he has to offer.

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