Free Download , by Vivien Spitz

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, by Vivien Spitz

, by Vivien Spitz

, by Vivien Spitz

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, by Vivien Spitz

Product details

File Size: 2695 KB

Print Length: 364 pages

Publication Date: January 4, 2005

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

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The information is provided through the author's first hand account as a court reporter of the Nazi doctor's crimes at the Nuremburg trials.She presents the chapters through the different Nazi experiments on humans. For example, there is a chapter on freezing experiments, another chapter on sterilization, another chapter on mustard gas experiments, etc... Because the chapters are divided in this manner, it makes it easy to use for research purposes while for the common reader it allows you to easily obtain the information.The facts are explained through the Nuremburg testimonies as reported by the court. It is not the entire report, but only the pertinent information for the purpose of the book. The reports account for dialogue between both the prisoners, Nazi's, judge, witnesses, and prosecutors. The author explains the court reports before and after exposing them to provide background information. She uses language that is understandable for the common layman to comprehend. Photos are included throughout this book.Keep in mind that this is a memoir, which is considered literary nonfiction. So, there are moments when she does recount her thoughts and feelings during this time. Ocasionally, she will discuss her life in Germany while working as a young reporter; this adds to the setting during this time since her and other reporters had no warm running water a result of the war.I recommend this book to anyone who is interested in the facts during the Holocaust, specifically the atrosities committed by Nazi doctors to innocent civilians in Germany.

prosecuted at Nuremberg by a woman who was present at the trials. She wanted to tell the world the basics of the crimes and trials before she passes away.âš Warning! Contains graphic photos. You do not want a child looking through this book.All of the doctors claimed that they were following orders and trying to advance medical science. None expressed remorse.The entire Nuremberg trials targeted only the most serious offenders. There were many more medical personnel involved in crimes against humanity, beginning with the mass extermination of disabled Germans. I've always been very disturbed by the decision to not prosecute more people.I don't believe any of the doctors who experimented on prisoners in Japanese POW camps were ever prosecuted, and Japan did begin to publicly admit and apologize for its war crimes until the 21st century.Turkey continues to deny the Armenian genocide. I cannot respect a nation until there has been a full public admission and apology.

This book truly opened my eyes to the horrors endured .How tragic that so many innocent people were literally slaughtered for experiments . That were seen as essential.How disgusting that men and women swore to upheld the oath of healing could with help of the SS , and think nothing of torturing in the name of science,.I was deeply saddened by the truth and horrors that mankind can inflict with no remorse or guilt., such unimaginable cruelty.

Intense. Not for the average reader. I am an adult, and I had nightmares about this book. Make sure you're ready for it, if you chose to buy it. I had no idea that this happened. I'm not sorry I read it because it brought the Holocaust to light for me. We should probably all know that this really happened.

This book, is a difficult must read. Written incredibly well and structurally perfect it leads the reader through the darkest of events. Each experiment seemingly more atrocious with every section. And while it was so hard to read, that is a compelling reason why it must be.

Written from the perspective of a female court reporter during the “doctors trial” in Nuremberg she proceeds to tell what transpired during the trial as well as what what said and talked about on the stand informative and entertaining my only dislike is at some points and (not for very long) she gets a little off subject and talks about her personal experiences during the course of the trial which to me personally is side tracking but all in all a good book if you are interested in the subject matter

Adolf Hitler was a cruel, self-centered man driven by demonic dreams of grandeur. It is no wonder, then, that the German medical establishment that his National Socialist Party co-opted pursued their "scientific" aims with a sadistic and brutal methodology that negated much, if not all, the vaulted aims of the enterprise. Vivien Spitz was a court reporter at Nuremberg. As a young woman, she spent nearly two years hearing first hand testimony from medical experiment survivors, coerced concentration camp "health" workers, and accused state medical personnel. The experience haunted her the rest of her long and productive life. Her book is a strong antidote against the poison of Holocaust denial.

Doctors from Hell: The Horrific Account of Nazi Experiments on Humans is a highly informative account of certain Nazi doctors going to trial. The author, herself, was a key witness to the testimonies and court proceedings of these sordid individuals. As a court reporter, the author sat through countless accounts of hideous acts performed on "test subjects" for the greater good of the German Reich. What is shocking is that not one doctor admitted guilt or show the slightest hint of remorse. This books brings up the subject of how highly educated people could resort to ghastly experiments on people. Likewise, the book covers all kinds of procedures and experiments that were undertook during the years 1933-45.If for any reason you are looking for a book on the ethos of medical ethics this book brings to life the dark side of moral decay, then this is one book that should be considered. The accounts told in this book is not for the lighthearted. Serious crimes were committed and their details are shocking in scope. What is more haunting are the countless Nazi perpetrators who aided in these sadistic experiments and were never tried or convicted of war crimes.

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