Download Life Before Life: Children's Memories of Previous Lives

Download Life Before Life: Children's Memories of Previous Lives

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Life Before Life: Children's Memories of Previous Lives

Life Before Life: Children's Memories of Previous Lives

Life Before Life: Children's Memories of Previous Lives

Download Life Before Life: Children's Memories of Previous Lives

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Life Before Life: Children's Memories of Previous Lives

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Audible Audiobook

Listening Length: 7 hours and 24 minutes

Program Type: Audiobook

Version: Unabridged

Publisher: Tantor Audio Release Date: February 12, 2019

Whispersync for Voice: Ready

Language: English, English


Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

I was mostly interested in the stories of the children and their memories. An introduction explaining the data collection methods is appropriate and was included. Roughly, 80 percent of the book was the author's analysis of just a handful of cases. Also, the author presented some questionable information as facts. Overall well written, but not what I was looking for.

Psychiatrist Jim Tucker has been carrying on the tesearch first initiated by his colleague Ian Stephenson. I understand Stevenson's work on childhood memories of previous lives was exhaustive and many, many pages long. This book, presenting some of the most compelling cases on record, is succinctly written as well as accessible to the lay reader.There are children whose birthmarks reflect the violent way they died in previous lives, others whose special interests and phobias likewise mirror what haven't to them in their earliest incarnations.The reader is invited to decide for themselves what these stories might imply about life, death and the possibility of reincarnation. Tucker does postulate that the brain, rather than being the seat of consciousness, might instead be a transmitter of an external consciousness. Otherwise his approach to the topic is strictly scientific: all cases have had to be verified via external witnesses and children not given the opportunity to have ideas out in their heads by family, for example. Tucker conservatively concludes this book only demonstrates evidence rather than absolute proof that reincarnation may occur in certain cases, specifically where the previous life ended traumatically. He does not state any belief in the findings of regression therapists, nor in what the major world religions have to say on the matterI find that scientific approach hugely refreshing, as there is none of the moralizing and evangelizing on karma and so forth that you might get from Believers. In fact, the only 'karma' Tucker recognises is that trauma of any kind needs to be processed before the individual experiencing this can move on.In this spirit Tucker does point out that it makes best sense to move on from past lives too. It makes no sense to retain a past German identity for example where there is the need to adapt to a new cultural identity in a new lifetime, or to cling to a former parent if in that lifetime the parent had not wanted the child in that lifetime. Tucker also dies not preclude the idea that each new lifetime does offer a soul more time in which to learn from experience a d hopefully become a better person.Tucker also points out that there is such a thing as scientific fundamentalism too. Both he and Stephenson have I believe been very brave in publishing research that may well still fly in the face of many basic assumptions about the nature of life and consciousness.

Jim Tucker documents past earthly lives remembered by very young children, ages 2-7 years old. His team visits each child and researches the “past personality” of the child, often confirming such stated details as names of the child’s former self and past family members, the town and home of residence, and manner of death. So far, the team has compiled 2500 cases, from across the world.This is commonly called reincarnation, where a soul or consciousness survives physical death, then later, enters the mind of an emerging baby from the womb, and takes on another physical body. Of course, this concept, or belief, is not accepted by the Abraham religions (Christianity, Islam, and Judaism), whose members comprise 74% of Americans and 55% of the world. Therefore, the University of Virginia and Tucker’s team are certainly brave, breaking new ground, attempting to prove that this core belief of Hinduism and Buddhism, representing about 21% of the world’s population, could be factual. Also, most spiritual organizations, psychics, and followers of the paranormal believe in reincarnation.Birthmarks fascinated Tucker. This area of investigation covered many cases, especially in India and Sri Lanka where parents accept children’s comments about past lives. He found that a child’s birthmarks were often the result of the sudden death of the last personality. Since “the median time between the death of the previous personality and the birth of the subject is only 15-16 months,” a child’s recitation of a past life to the team could be easily verified since often the family residence of the previous personality is relatively close to the subject child.In the case of Purnima Ekanayake, a Sri Lankan girl, her body at birth revealed “colored birthmarks over the left side of her chest and lower ribs.” When four years old she recognized a temple on television, saying that in her recent past life she was a man living close to that temple. He had made incense sticks in his in-laws business, sold them via bicycle, and was killed in an accident with a big vehicle. The father of Purnima asked a friend, who planned to travel to the temple’s location on business, to check his daughter’s statements. While interviewing local incense makers, he found one where the brother-in-law of the owner had been killed by a bus while taking incense sticks to market on his bicycle two years before Purnima was born. Later, Purnima visited her previous family, correctly identifying her former mother and wife. The previous personality’s autopsy report documented fractured ribs on the left, a ruptured spleen, and abrasions running diagonally from the right shoulder to the left lower abdomen.Interestingly, Tucker attempts to find the most logical explanation for this phenomenon, including fraud, fantasy, knowledge acquired through normal means, faulty memory by informants, genetic memory, extrasensory perception, possession, and reincarnation. He concludes “If we stand back and look at this worldwide phenomenon as a whole, then we see a pattern of remarkable events. Even though the cases are only evidence and not ‘proof’ of a paranormal process, when we consider the weaknesses of the normal explanations . . . reincarnation provides a much more straightforward explanation overall . . .”

Booooring. I wanted to hear the stories of the children but this guy kept analysing things. You'll hear more of his break down of the stories then the actual children past live stories.And, it get to the point where it sounds like he's repeating the same stories ber n over n over.

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