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, by Derek A. Olsen
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Product details
File Size: 1833 KB
Print Length: 325 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Forward Movement; 2183 edition (September 7, 2016)
Publication Date: September 7, 2016
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#166,356 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
I was nodding along with Olsen as he went through the structure of the BCP, the church year, the offices. But when he broke down the structure of a collect, it was pretty much world-shifting. I'm starting to look at prayers I've heard my entire life in an entirely new way.Rarely do I read a book and think how nice it would be to read it with other people. This book just begs to be used as a study guide by every Episcopalian that can get his/her hands on it.
As an early reader of Derek's blog, I thoroughly enjoyed _Inwardly Digest_ and am pleased to see him becoming one of the preeminent voices for liturgical renewal in our church. Most importantly, he argues for the Prayer Book as a doctrinal center and tool for spiritual discipline, NOT as a hook on which to hang his preferred aesthetic for worship. Parishes and individuals centering on the Prayer Book can look as different as humanly possible -- but in Derek's telling, they will be accomplishing incredible things from the perspective of catechesis, spirituality, and community no matter the aesthetic choices, Rite I vs Rite II, high church or low, etc.I would particularly love to see a further revival of the Daily Office along the lines Derek lays out here. His treatment of the Office is admirable in its flexibility and sensitivity to real-world concerns. He is not arguing that all Episcopalians should pray like monastics. Instead, he offers a deep discussion of what each element of the Prayer Book Office can provide, with frequent asides about where our liturgies fit beside other Christian traditions.Highly recommended, for liturgy nerds and the newly initiated alike!
If you have ever thought of beginning a daily spiritual discipline, this is the place to start. Using the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer, "Inwardly Digest" explains the WHY and the HOW of a daily spiritual discipline--as well as how to stick with it. Author Derek Olson likens it to the training a runner does for a race--be it a 5k or a marathon. There must be a plan. It must be done daily. There must be personal discipline. And when you mess up (and you will), you begin agan. And while there is much joy in a daily spiritual discipline, don't fool yourself: It takes effort to do it and do it right. And this is where this book will help guide you.On Advent I in 2012, I began reading/praying the Daily Office in the morning and evening and rarely miss doing so. After all these years, Olson helped me to define this special time in my day as consecrated time for God. I love that! Ideal for Episcopalians--but not exclusively so--this book will help you center your faith in a way that really matters. But be forewarned! If you take on and stick with a daily spiritual discipline, it will change your life.In addition, this fascinating book explains the WHY and the HOW of each part of the Episcopal liturgy. I am a lifelong Episcopalian, faithful in my attendance at church, and I still learned so much from this book! The sections on the psalms and the collects were eye-opening. The book is written for the layman in easy-to-read, conversational language--so no one should feel intimidated.If you're looking for an easy way to read/pray the Daily Office, get this for your Kindle from editor Eric Simmons: Daily Office Rite II Morning and Evening Prayers Advent Sunday 2016 to Advent Sunday 2017 ($2.99 for Kindle only).
The 1979 Episcopal Book of Common Prayer is a powerful tool for rooting and grounding individuals and communities in the Body of Christ but is rarely recognized as such. Here, Derek Olsen provides a detailed introduction to the 1979 BCP as a personal training guide for our souls. There is a great deal of theological depth to this book, but I suspect that a non-theologically astute reader will get great benefit from it.Marion Hatchett's Commentary on the 1979 BCP tells you where the book comes from. Olsen's book is its logical companion. It tells you how and why to use it.The audience I most recommend this book to is those who are in charge of confirmation classes, catechizing teenagers, or parenting children. Kids want to know why we do what we do. Teenagers want to know that Christianity is something of depth and interest with real impact on their everyday lives. This book will help parents, teachers, and catechists explain why. (But don't give it to them as homework. Read it with them or to them.)
I highly recommend this book for all Episcopalians (and anyone else who is interested in using the Book of Common Prayer as a resource for prayer). INWARDLY DIGEST not only guides one through the intricacies of the Book of Common Prayer, but it does so in a deeply spiritual manner. There are so many insights that will enhance the way you approach your prayer life. The author has a clear and practical understanding of not only the purpose of the BCP, but of the state of the soul and how to utilize deeply grounded spiritual practices in a way that enhances the use of the BCP. INWARDLY DIGEST is a valuable book you will want to read, mark, learn and inwardly digest, not only for yourself, but even more so in a study group where you can discuss and implement the content by sharing your thoughts with one another without rushing. You will learn a lot about the Book of Common Prayer from this book, but even more important, It will deepen your prayer life! I know I used some form of the word "deep" at least 3 times. That simply means "very enriching." But deep expresses it best! I have been an Episcopal priest for over 3 decades and this is the best resource for the BCP I've come across because it provides for the state of the soul as well as the mind.
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